How To Care For Cat Palm | 10 Simple Ways to Care for Your Cat Palm

How To Care For Cat Palm

Cat palms thrive in bright, indirect light and benefit from ample exposure to it. While they can withstand full sun conditions with appropriate watering, they generally prefer partial shade. Throughout the active growing season, which spans spring and summer, it’s recommended to fertilize Cat palms monthly using an all-purpose liquid fertilizer. If you’re looking for … Read more

How To Care For A Cat Palm Indoors

How To Care For A Cat Palm Indoors

Their lush, cascading fronds add texture and character to any decorative display.  These plants can thrive in bright light indoors or outdoors; it’s important to remember that proper care is necessary if you’d like them to flourish for years to come.  In this post, we’ll show you how easy it is to maintain a healthy … Read more